Chinese Art EC
Young Artists EC
Art Investment
Heart Sutra (Seal script - Zhongshan Kingdom)
Heart Sutra (Bronze inscriptions)
尘外云鹤 - Clouds and cranes outside the ordinary world
观海听涛 - Watching the sea and listening to the roaring waves
龙飞凤舞 - Flying dragon and dancing phoenix
薛稷秋朝览镜诗 - Ji Xue's poem: Looking at the mirror in an autumn morning
李群玉题竹诗 - Qunyu Li's poem on bamboo
夜静斗横谈剑处 - A place to practice the sword
春风墨韵,夜雨书声 - Spring wind, ink rhyme, night rain and the sound of reading
明月松间照,清泉石上流 - The right moon shines through the pine trees
竹雨琴韵 - Rain hits bamboo as if playing music
云鹤神采 - Elegant like cloud and crane
琴韵书声 - Nothing but music and reading
家和万事兴 - Family harmony leads to success of everything
博览群书 - Read widely
学无止境 - There is no end to learning
上善若水 - The highest excellence is like that of water
厚德载物 - The superior man supports the world with great virtue
天道酬勤 - The God rewards diligence