Customized drawing portrait sample
The price is for the size of 10.1/2" X 13.1/2" or similar size which only for the figure's face to the chest part. Additional fees will be charged depending on larger size, body with different posture, and multiple figures.
Artist: Junrui Garcia
Medium: Charcoal on white paper
Size: 10.1/2" X 13.1/2"
这里所显示的价格只是10.1/2" X 13.1/2"或者相似尺寸的头像或者胸像。如果要画大些的尺寸、有不同姿势的身体、两个及以上人物的时候,会根据情况收取额外费用。
尺寸: 10.1/2" X 13.1/2"